Why Do Middle Students Lose Interest in Reading?

Kindergarten students have one major thing in common. When they walk into the classroom, they want to learn to read. They cannot wait to learn words and be able to read books by themselves. Checking out a book from the school library is one of the biggest things that can happen at school. This excitement for reading usually continues for a few years and then begins to slow down. Students seem to lose the interest in reading and the joy in taking home books. I saw this happen year after year when I taught eighth grade. Most students found that … Continue reading

The Reading Tips Continue

Yes, it is back. The raising a reader tips continues. Two articles were simply not enough. Encouraging your child to read is important enough for three articles. In my last articles, I discusses ideas such as helping your child choose books of interest, visiting the library, reading for a purpose, and keeping reading material available. The list continues below. One concept that children often find difficult to grasp is the fact that a book does not have to be finished in one setting. As a young child, children experience short picture books or simple text stories. The books are designed … Continue reading

Games for Reading – Peggy Kaye

September is National Literacy Month. In celebration of that, I thought I’d tell you about a great book for encouraging good read skills and for making reading fun and. The book is Games for Reading: Playful Ways to Help Your Child Read by Peggy Kaye. Games for Reading is divided into four parts that cover Games for Learning Words, Games for Learning Sounds, Games for Understanding, and Games for Reading Every Day. The reader will find all sorts of simple, homemade games that parents and teachers can make that will encourage the skills for successful reading. Most of the games … Continue reading

Reluctant Readers … Boredom is Good

I have one son who is a really good reader, but doesn’t like to do it very much. The books he reads have to hit him just right at the exact moment he wants to read them, or he won’t do it. I’ve literally taken him to the library and told him we aren’t leaving until he finds a book he wants only to leave three hours later, empty-handed, and me about to pass out from low blood sugar. He’s that persnickety. And yet … I’ve found two things that get him reading. I’m not saying you should try this—I’m … Continue reading

Introducing Your Child to a New Word

I can remember as a student myself taking home list of words that I was supposed to be able to read by a specified date. My sister also has these list sent home with her girls. Once a list is mastered, the student moves on to a harder list. In addition, at the beginning of each nine weeks, I send home a list of words that the students are responsible for knowing. The words that teachers send home have various names. Some teachers call them sight words or high frequency words. In my classroom I call them popcorn words because … Continue reading

Why Read a Book More Than One Time?

Many young children love to read the same book over and over again. My children will often ask for the same book to be read two or three times consecutively. Children may alternate the story that they wish to be read. They often will choose one book and stick with it for a few nights. They then may change and begin wanting a different book read. While this can be tiresome and somewhat boring for parents, there are advantages to reading a book more than one time. Good books are meant to be read multiple times. Rereading or recalling a … Continue reading

Why Have Spilt or Multi Level Classes?

In one of my previous article, I discussed the fact that some classrooms do not follow the traditional school setting. Instead of the class having one teacher with one grade level of students, some classes have split level students. This means that more than one grade level is in the class. The teacher teaches more than one grade in one classroom. There may be two, three, or even four different grade levels in one class. There are many reasons why a school would choose to have a split grade level class. Lack of Students In the elementary school that I … Continue reading

Encouraging Middle School Students to Read

In a previous article, I discussed the loss of interest in reading with most middle school students. During the primary grades students are more excited about reading and books. However the excitement is lost somewhere along the way to the early teens. As parents and as teachers we must find ways to encourage and restart the interest in reading. Many teachers use reading as a punishment or as a chore. Students must be aware that reading can be for pleasure and for entertainment. Learning to focus on reading and books can greatly help students out during high school and college … Continue reading

More Tips to Encourage Your Child to Read

In my previous article, I began describing some ideas for parents to help encourage their child to enjoy and appreciate reading. Reading is so important and there are so many ideas that I just could not fit them all into one article. In this article, I will continue to detail some things that parents can do to encourage their children to be successful readers. Help your child understand that reading can be for a purpose. Sometimes we read to help us find needed information. If your child has a question or a special activity that he/she enjoys, show your child … Continue reading

Encouraging Your Child to Read

Reading is very important in a child’s academic career. Besides taking a reading course, reading is involved in other subject areas. Math involves reading word problems. Science and history both involve reading. Most adults read on a daily basis. Our lives are full of books, magazines, paperwork to sign, and forms to complete. Fluent reading and comprehension can help your child become a very successful adult. As a parent, there are things that you can do to encourage your child to read. The more a student reads, the more efficient he/she becomes at it. Following some of the simple activities … Continue reading